7 Steps to Improve Your Business PC Security on a Budget

The internet is like the Wild West and as a business; chances are you are riding out into a vast plain of sun-drench opportunity. The only thing is…there are bandits in these here parts. They await business pioneers and veterans alike as they cross an unfamiliar terrain, waiting for you to slip up so they can pounce and rob your system of all your valuable data and indeed your cash.

If you don’t have the money for a team of Marshals to make sure you can proceed in safety…what do you do? Well… you can read take these 7 steps and ensure you have all the protection you need.

1 Hardware Inventory

You need to keep track of every single piece of hardware; from desktop PCs to employee laptops, to ensure that every one is registered and has appropriate security patches in place so that bandits have no way of gaining access to your information.

2 Software Inventory

Make a list of all the software that should be on your employees’ computers and systematically check and update it so that it is the latest and most secure version. This is particularly important for mail servers and to ensure employees aren’t experimenting with potentially vulnerable new software.

3 Malware Protection

Malicious software creeps into your data like a snake into your boot. It infiltrates your camp through email, software downloads internet browsers so you need to set up some fires to fend it off. There is tons of good free anti-virus software out there that can be downloaded; Avast and AVG are both pretty good, though your Windows or OSX operating systems should have their own built in too.

4 Wireless Protection

It is surprisingly easy for bandits to gain access to your systems through your wireless network. They might be hiding behind a nearby tree or even behind the nearest knoll, it depends on how strong your wireless signal is. Just make sure it is password protected and that it will only allow access to verified users.

5 Back Up

It is important to have all your data backed up using a secure data storage facility, as some bandits if they gain access will simply wipe all your data just for kicks.

6 Security Cells

Split your data into sensitive and not-so-sensitive and restrict access to the sensitive stuff to just those that need-to-know. This limits the chances of bandits getting at the ‘good’ stuff.

7 Maintenance and Monitoring

If all this is to work, it is crucial that you carry out regular and thorough maintenance to check inventories and protection is in place and being adhered to. Don’t fall asleep by the fire or bandits will get the opening they have been waiting for.

What part of your system is most at risk? If you don’t know then it could already be compromised…


Tim Pong is a computer security expert and PC doctor. He performs computer repairs Edinburgh regularly and provides advice worldwide occasionally.


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