Meet The Web Hosting Masters Team

Big-Ben-Profile-Picture Big Ben

I am a freelance content writer with many interests. My major responsibility is providing high quality and usable content for visitors. Through the many posts I write for WHM, I provide honest information to help guide beginners and advanced users through the world of hosting.

Martinator Profile Picture Marty Moose

The Martinator is a Sacramento, California native who graduated from El Camino High School in 1983 and went on to attend the University of Hawaii, Manoa. I have traveled extensively, visiting Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Thailand, Saipan, Australia, Sri Lanka, Panama, Singapore, Korea, and several countries in the Middle East including Egypt, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, as well as Okinawa, Japan and Taiwan in Asia in the South Pacific. I’m a lead Content Writer with Web Hosting Masters and I also hand Media and Press Releases.

monkey Monkey

I’m the designer behind all of the technical jargon.  It’s fun to be technical and resolve server issues, however you always need someone that can provide a graphical representation of your ideas.  I’m a full-time web designer with Web Hosting Masters and I specialize in making websites look better.

Host-Mamma Host Mamma

I’ve been in hosting and support for over ten years and everyone calls me the “Host Mamma”. I’m also a mother of four so most of my time is spent focusing on family. However, don’t let the femininity fool you. You can find me in our forum putting the men to shame.

young-buck Young Buck

I am currently a student who works as technical support for various hosting companies. I work with web hosting daily and on top of working with various hosting platforms, I manage my own servers as well. I have experience with various programming languages such as PHP and Python, and am well versed in web design using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more. I am a content writer and forum moderator here at Web Hosting Masters.

Roger That Profile Photo Roger That

Writer extraordinaire

The-Canadian The Canadian

I’ve been involved in web hosting support for over 12 years. I love anything computer related and I’m also a motorcycle and guitar enthusiast. In my off time I enjoy spending time with family, taking guitar classes, and playing with anything electronic.

bash-fu-profile Bash Fu

I’m a self proclaimed bash-fu, 9th degree, level 10 blackbelt. From time to time I write various posts, however most of my time is spent working on the technical side of the site. If you ever find yourself in a bind or you need someone to assist with troubleshooting your site you can find me hanging out in the forum.

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