Blog Host Comparison – Making The Right Decision


Doing a Proper Blog Host Comparison

Many times bloggers skip doing a blog host comparison because they either don’t know how or don’t have the time. This is not a good thing because this can make the difference between getting good hosting and getting hosting that is not going to support you very well. Your blog is too important and you need to compare at least a few hosting choices.

If you do a proper blog host comparison you will find the right hosting company and you will have a better chance of getting the support you need. Hosting is vital to the success of a blog and if you choose a lower grade company or type of hosting you will wish you had not. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way, but this is not one of those times.

The Blog Host Comparison Plan

1. Choose at least Three Hosting Companies

In order to do the blog host comparison properly you will need to choose at least three top hosting companies. All of these companies need to offer you a top blogging platform like WordPress or Joomla. If they don’t you need to choose different hosting companies to compare. The platform they offer is what makes them a blog hosting company.

All three also need to be able to offer you VPS and dedicated hosting options because these upgrades will be very important later on. If you start to experience a large volume of traffic, which is the goal, you will need to upgrade to better hosting. Switching companies is never fun, but if you start with a blog hosting company that can offer you VPS and dedicated hosting you will not have to move your account elsewhere.

2. Reviews

Before we get into looking at reviews you have to take the price of the hosting you are looking at and throw it out the window. You are going to be looking at shared hosting packages, which range from $3 a month to $20 a month, which is not enough for most people to be worried about. After you have eliminated the price from your blog host comparison you can move onto reviews.

Reviews come in a couple of forms and you want to look at real customer reviews. Typically, the website hosting reviews will help you see what the hosting company offers. However, the real customer reviews will help you see what is really going on with the hosting company. These will tell you more about the company than if you just look at website reviews.

3. Support Testing

The final thing you have to do with any blog host comparison is test the support. If your blog goes down or something happens with it the support team is whom you will be turning to. This means they better be at the top of their game and ready to help you get your blog back up. If they cannot provide you with fast, reliable, and professional support, then you need to move on.

This will also speak to how good their hosting is. A hosting company with support that puts you on hold forever or takes forever to respond has issues. This means they have many support tickets coming in and they probably cannot handle them. However, if they are fast and proficient you will have nothing to worry about.

The Final Decision With the Blog Host Comparison

Your final decision needs to be made with confidence and you need to know you are getting the best hosting company for your blog that you can possibly find. If you go through the three very easy steps above and you do a full blog host comparison you will have no issue choosing the right hosting with confidence.

This will not take you very long and it will save you many headaches later. It is much better than gambling and hoping the hosting company you choose is the right one. Take the time to do a full blog host comparison and you will be happy you did.

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