Can a Cloud Based Case Management Software be More Effective for Your Law Firm

There is no doubt that the case management software is essential for the efficient functioning of your law firm. Using appropriate case management software allows your attorneys to spend less time on routine administrative activities and focus more on developing case related strategies.

‘Time’ being the operative word here, a case management software that builds on your existing technology and seamlessly integrates with the technology, your staff are already familiar with such as Microsoft Outlook and other MS Office functions like Word and Excel reduce the learning curve for them.

Types of Case Management Software

Depending on the technology they use, case management software may be traditional desktop based or Cloud based. Though features in both may be identical, it does appear that an online or web based case management software has an edge over the former.

Features of Cloud Based Case Management Software

The software is stored on a central server and does not reside in the local machines. Updates are carried out automatically and centrally, not interfering with day to day usage of the software. Vendors offer high level of SSL encryption to ensure the security and integrity of your practice data stored in the system. Data is further backed up regularly to protect against any eventuality of loss of data.

Advantages of Cloud Based Case Management Software for Your Law Firm

The biggest advantage is that your attorneys can access the software and the data within anytime and anywhere, requiring just an internet connection and using a unique login name and password.  The software can be customized to be compatible with mobile phone browsers enabling access through smart phones and tablets. Thus work continues uninterrupted even when key attorneys working on a case are traveling and quick decisions need to be made.

Web based case management software obviates the need to be physically present in office to access relevant case data. You can therefore offer your employees the option of working from home and flexible time working. This enables your attorneys achieve better work life balance and translates into greater motivation and increased loyalty towards the firm.
Cloud based software and legal industry

Legal industry has always been leery in the past on storing data in the cloud. However with changing times, they have started to realize that cloud vendors are offering more secure channels compared to their existing in-house systems. Maintenance cost is also a major factor with a tightening economy.

Gone are the days, when business can afford to experiment with costly systems only to find out that it was not their best choice, once a system is implemented. Now legal firms can fully test and measure the effectiveness of cloud based system right away and once satisfied, they can have that implemented successfully in a matter of few days. Add to that the convenience of accessing the data remotely anywhere anytime. Whether trying to access from home or from a court room. This is the new age Attorney. Are you in?


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