The Best iPad Apps for Bloggers


What can iPad Apps do for the Blogger?

If you are a blogger and you have an iPad, then you need to have the best iPad Apps to help you with everything you are trying to do. Some of the apps you will be getting are going to be free and some have a very small cost with them as well. There are some that will save you time and there are some others that will allow you to make more money.

Making your life easier is what it is all about and when a blogger can save time they can also make more money. If you don’t have an iPad yet you may have to get one after reading about the top choices for the iPad Apps. These can do so much for you and we just need to get right into them.

The Top iPad Apps for the Blogger

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G-Whizz is a free iPad app that will allow you to check everything Google. You can check your GMail, Google AdSense, use the Google Reader, Check Google+ and so much more. It will even allow you to access both Twitter and Facebook whenever you need to. This is a must have and the price is right since it is free.

Analytics Pro

Analytics Pro is not a free iPad app, but it is also not all that expensive. You can use this to get a better UI than the site version you may be using right now. It will give you access to pretty much any visitor report you need including which state your site was viewed from. You can also see which state gives you the most and least traffic along with which state stays on your blog the longest. It can be a bit addictive if you love stats and for $5.99 it is well worth it.


Another free iPad App you must have is Evernote. This app will allow you to sync your notes to all of your devices and it gives you access to all your data whenever you need it. This could be helpful if you use more than one device for your blog and other product throughout the day like many do.


You can also use Dropbox to help share your content across many devices. This will help you with images, video, and files you need to share from your computer to your iPad.


Getting this free iPad app will allow you to automate many things. You can use it for Twitter, Facebook, and even your Facebook pages. Many have switched over to the G-Whizz app for these tasks, but HootSuite can still give you many things it cannot.

InstaPaper Pro

For $499 you can use InstaPaper Pro to help you download webpages and view them offline. If you travel a lot this can help when you cannot get access to the internet or when you want to save your battery on a plane.


For less than $2 you can use the Forumrunner app to help you manage your forum. This is perfect if you need to give your visitors a mobile version of your site that will load really fast. It is perfect for many different things, but allowing your people to see you on their smartphone makes it well worth it.


The final choice for the top iPad apps is the SimpleMind+ app. If you are a blogger this is a must because you probably go through writers block at some point. This app will literally allow you to turn your iPad into a brainstorming device to help you come up with the ideas you need for your writing.

Blogging Better with iPad Apps

With the right combination of apps for you iPad you can be blogging wherever you go and keeping up with what is going on. You can see where visitors are coming from, update them on what is going on, and manage everything from your device. These are just a few of the top iPad apps and you can look for the ones that will be best for you.

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