SEO Copywriting Cures the Blues

What’s your recipe for curing the blues? A box of chocolates? A sad movie? Maybe even a big bottle of something wet that makes your eyes screw up with the first couple of swallows. I am pleased to report that for a bad case of the blues a bit of SEO copywriting can give me a bigger hit than any of these things.

Keep the Mind Busy

I think that the first thing I need to mention is the way that writing helps me take my mind off the subject that is getting me down. You might think that SEO copywriters are like robots who type while in some sort of autopilot mode but I am not like that at all.

I tend to concentrate on what I am writing and if it is an easy subject I am actually sometimes thinking ahead to the next article even while I am typing the first one. This is great for forgetting about what caused me to feel bad in the first place. Fitting in tricky keywords is especially tough on the old brain, and this can only be a good thing for someone who has a lot on their mind which they want to move on from.

Give Yourself the Answer   

My favorite type of writing is the kind of article which lets me express my opinion and offer advice on the subject. Sometimes I can even fit this in to my current predicament and give myself some uplifting thoughts in the piece. Maybe this sounds a bit bizarre to you, like an agony aunt writing herself a letter and then taking her own advice, but it seems to work well for me.

A Job Well Done

There are few things more satisfying in life than doing a job really well. When it comes to SEO copywriting I am confident in my ability and I know that my articles will help the customer’s site move in the right direction. This is probably actually one of the main differences between this job and my previous ones. Don’t get me wrong, I did a good job in the other ones but I never felt that I was in a position to add that much value.

Working in a bank or an insurance company you can feel like a small cog in a very big system, while doing freelance writing you can see the results of what you are doing clearly. Sometimes I will look up the progress of a customer’s keywords and I get a nice, warm glow thinking that my articles are playing a big part in pushing them up the search results page.

Learn Something New

Just finding out something new and putting it to good use can be enough for me to feel a bit better.  I believe that most writers like this aspect of the job and it is amazing what you can learn when writing SEO articles. I reckon that a team of internet freelance writers could do a fantastic job in a pub quiz.

This is why I enjoy seeing a job land in my email for something I know nothing about. I can do a good job, expand my mind and make sure that the box of chocolates my mum sent me for Christmas remains intact for a bit longer yet.

With Apple Copywriting you will get top notch SEO copywriting services which chases away the blues and gives you a feel good factor about your website.

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