Posts Tagged ‘Data Center’

What`s New for Cloud Computing in 2012

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Cloud computing is gradually becoming more popular, enabling better access to data on multiple platforms and taking the constraints of hardware maintenance and upgrade cycles out of the hands of businesses. Cloud adoption grew faster in 2011 than ever before, but it’s important to consider what developments and changes may occur in 2012. The future… Read more

What Does Colocation Mean To Businesses?

Friday, January 27th, 2012

Many companies are choosing to colocate their IT services these days; seen as the next natural step in the progressive technology driven world.  But what does colocation mean to businesses and why would they choose it for their business?
Where do Data Centres fit in?
Colocation, simply put, is an IT hosting mechanism for businesses. Colocation allows… Read more

Location Matters When it comes To Data Centers

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Most people do not know how data travels through the Internet, they just know that it does. Any time a user sends or receives information from a web page or email, the data must travel from one computer to another through a network. This is comparable to cars traveling on a highway, and just like… Read more