Posts Tagged ‘domain names’

Tips to Name Your Domain for your Website

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

If you are creating or building a website, listen up! Creating a domain name is easily one of the most important parts of creating a website. You need to make sure that your domain works well for your site. The domain name should be something that is relevant to your site, is interesting, and is… Read more

Is a Young Domain Bad for SEO?

Saturday, February 18th, 2012

Starting way back in 2005, Google started to use domain age as a factor for the way it ranked pages in search results. This means that domain age is one of the many elements of SEO that Google and other search engines use when they figure our search results. While this isn’t a new change,… Read more

New Level of Domain Names on Their Way!

Friday, January 27th, 2012

ICANN are now taking applications for top level domain names linked to brands. Starting in 2013 we will see a lot of new domain extensions, but what does this mean for the casual web surfer and the online entrepreneur?
If you’ve ever been worried that all the good web domains are taken then you might… Read more

Pairing up the Best Web Hosting and Domain Names

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The Power Behind Web Hosting and Domain Names
If you are trying to make money online, then the most important thing you can do before you start marketing is pair up the best web hosting and domain names. Your domain name may be the difference between top search engine ranking and not even being in… Read more