Advantages of Facebook and Twitter for Business


Advantages of Facebook and Twitter for Business  Today

The advantages of Facebook and Twitter for business are largely based on the fact that these two platforms have a very large number of users, running in the hundreds of millions, who sign on daily to their accounts.

Up to this point, Facebook users update their accounts and Twitter followers create tweets, from anywhere they happen to be, and from anywhere in the world. Now, this connectivity to their accounts has been made even more plentiful because of the growing connectivity of mobile phones market.

Hundreds of millions of users, depending on the niche, include the targeted users of many businesses, and those businesses would benefit from connecting with these users. With half of all the 500 million users on FaceBook who sign into their accounts daily, businesses have a ready audience to address and to provide expert advice to on issues  regarding the products and services the businesses supply on their company websites.

To date a large number, about 1.5 billion, have already created their business profiles on Facebook’s platform which receives up to 5 billion different updates a week users.

Where Twitter is concerned, over one billion users have already registered on the social platform and another 3 million are activating new subscription daily. Also daily, as many as 55 million tweets are created by these users half of which are being generated by business users.

So for a business, these social media sites offer business owners excellent exposure for their businesses as well as a great deal of free traffic.

Paid FaceBook Ads are available on the Facebook platform and allows for the creation of ads to FaceBook users, but this option obviously comes at a cost.  However, you can create a free Facebook Fanpage and in that way you can connect with users freely, and show yourself to be an expert in your area of expertise, and from there your readers, or the people you connect with will develop a confidence and a trust in you.

The value you provide on your business Fanpage will be talked about by users to their friends, in this way creating powerful and free advertising for your business. As the word spreads, your website will become inundated with massive traffic that originated from your free Facebook Fanpage.

With the Twitter platform, users are limited to a communication form known as tweets that are limited to just 140 characters each. The business will join for free and submit the small message tweets to keep its followers up to date on what has been happening in its organization.

Connection to Twitter can be made from the business blog, where you will invite blog visitors to follow you on Twitter, and that will help to drive additional traffic to the site.

The tweets that are created in Twitter can include links that lead back to the website, and you can also invite prospective followers on forums, from Facebook and other sites to also follow you on Twitter. The more connections and invitations you make in this way, the more followers you will receive and that is the main purpose of using a social media platform such as Twitter.

In conclusion, there are many advantages of FaceBook and Twitter for business that includes the ability of these two platforms to connect and to identify with your company brand.  It is possible for the marketing strategies created to utilize these two platforms which will be able to self-maintain for a number of years into the future.

The possibility to create a massive targeted customer base that consists of people from all the world is not just possible, but is actually happening today the platforms allows the development of a business personality that connects with users and uses their opinions, reviews and life experiences to benefit the company’s services and products.

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